Sunday, 28 August 2022

Food Donation System mongoDb Node.Js Project with Source Code

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A web application which is useful for management of food donation and collection activities.

Table of Contents

  1. Features
  2. Technologies used
  3. npm packages used
  4. Prerequisites
  5. Installation and setup
  6. Useful Links
  7. Contact


  1. The system consists of three types of users: admins, donors and agents.
  2. Admins: They control all the activities and accept/reject donations and select agents.
  3. Donors: They are the driving users of the application who donate food.
  4. Agents: They are responsible for collecting food from homes of food donors.
  5. Each user should have an account.
  6. Every user also have a dashboard where they can view several things in short summary.
  7. The application provides signup, login and logout functionalities.

Donor Features

  1. Donors make the donation request for food with basic details.
  2. Donors' donation requests can be accepted or rejected and the status can be easily tracked by them.
  3. Donors can view their current incomplete donations (if any).
  4. Donors can also view all their past donations.
  5. Donors can update their profile.

Admin Features

  1. Admins receive all the requests made by donors.
  2. Admins can accept or reject the donation requests depending upon the details provided by a donor.
  3. If accepted, admins can assign an agent to a donation for collecting donation from the donor's home.
  4. Admins can view all the pending donations along with status.
  5. Admins can view all the donations that they have received.
  6. Admins can also view all the agents in the application.
  7. Admins can update their profile.

Agent Features

  1. Agents will receive notifications from admins to collect food from donor's homes.
  2. Agents can mark their collection upon collection of food from donor's home.
  3. Agents can also view all those food donations which have been collected by them previously.
  4. Agents can update their profile.

Technologies used

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. Bootstrap
  4. Javascript
  5. Node.js
  6. Express.js
  7. Mongodb
  8. ejs

npm packages used

  1. express
  2. ejs
  3. express-ejs-layouts
  4. mongoose
  5. express-session
  6. bcryptjs
  7. passport
  8. passport-local
  9. connect-flash
  10. method-override
  11. dotenv


For running the application:

  1. Node.js must be installed on the system.
  2. You should have a MongoDB database.
  3. You should have a code editor (preferred: VS Code)

Installation and Setup

  1. Download the source code in the desired location on your system.
  2. Open the code in your code editor.
  3. To install all the dependencies (listed in package.json file) in your project, go to terminal and type the following command and hit enter:

npm install

  1. Create a file named ".env" and enter the following credentials:


  1. Go to terminal and type the following command and hit enter:

npm start

  1. Open browser and go to url: http://localhost:5000
  2. You need to first signup and then login to run the application.


  • Email:

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