Tuesday 12 October 2021

Online Banking System Project in Python Django, Web App, Free

This is an Online Banking Concept created using Django Web Framework.


  1. Create Bank Account.
  2. Deposit & Withdraw Money
  3. Bank Account Type Support (e.g. Current Account, Savings Account)
  4. Interest calculation depending on the Bank Account type
  5. Transaction report with a date range filter
  6. See balance after every transaction in the Transaction Report
  7. Calculate Monthly Interest Using Celery Scheduled tasks
  8. More efficient and accurate interest calculation and balance update
  9. Ability to add Minimum and Maximum Transaction amount restriction
  10. Modern UI with Tailwind CSS


Be sure you have the following installed on your development machine:

  1. Python >= 3.7
  2. Redis Server
  3. Git
  4. pip
  5. Virtualenv (virtualenvwrapper is recommended)


  1. celery==4.4.7
  2. Django==3.2
  3. django-celery-beat==2.0.0
  4. python-dateutil==2.8.1
  5. redis==3.5.3

Django Installation Steps :-

  1. Install Python 3.7 Or Higher
  2. Install Django version 2.2.0
  3. Install all dependencies cmd -python -m pip install –-user -r requirements.txt
  4. Finally run cmd - python manage.py runserver

admin email - admin@admin.com

admin password - admin123


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