Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Black Friday Sales Prediction project with source code | Machine Learnin...

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Black Friday Sales Prediction project with source code . In this project, we are getting to predict what proportion the purchasers will spend during Black Friday, using various features like age, gender, legal status . The dataset we are going to use is the Black Friday dataset from Kaggle which contains about 550068 rows and 12 features that can be downloaded here. We will follow all the steps of a Data Science lifecycle from data collection to model deployment.

This Project contains a jupyter notebook file used to train a CatBoostRegressor model for predicting the amount of sales on a black friday based on several feautures.
The model was then integrated into a flask web application

Technologies Used

Web Technologies

Html , Css , JavaScript , Bootstrap , Django

Machine Learning Library In Python

Numpy , Pandas , Scipy

Dataset Link:

Training Model File 



Output Generated File


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