Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Java NetBeans Grocery Shop Billing Supermarket Billing Project with Mysq...

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This software project is a traditional supermarket billing system with some added functionality. This system is built for fast data processing and bill generation for supermarket customers. The billing system consists of an Mysql database and effective front end designed in JAVA NetBeans. The billing database is a vast collection of product name, price and other product specific data. A product when billed is searched from the database and its price is added to the bill based upon the product quantity. The system also contains discounts on various products so that the product is offered at discounted price while billing. The supermarket billing system is built to help supermarkets calculate and display bills and serve the customer in a faster and efficient manner. This software project consists of an effective and easy Gui to help the employee in easy bill calculation and providing an efficient customer service.

How To Run?

Remember this system uses a MySQL back-end database. so you have to create the database manually on the basis of the project code.
  1. First, download the project and extract them.
  2. Then open your XAMPP and fire up the Apache server and MySQL server.
  3. Open your browser and create a database named as “grocery-store”.
  4. import sql file.
  5. Open your NetBeans IDE and look out for each of the table names and their attributes.

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