Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Kotlin Tutorial in Hindi | Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic Operators in Kotlin Hindi

Here's a list of arithmetic operators in Kotlin:
Kotlin Arithmetic Operators
+Addition (also used for string concatenation)
-Subtraction Operator
*Multiplication Operator
/Division Operator
%Modulus Operator

Example: Arithmetic Operators

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

    val number1 = 12.5
    val number2 = 3.5
    var result: Double

    result = number1 + number2
    println("number1 + number2 = $result")

    result = number1 - number2
    println("number1 - number2 = $result")

    result = number1 * number2
    println("number1 * number2 = $result")

    result = number1 / number2
    println("number1 / number2 = $result")

    result = number1 % number2
    println("number1 % number2 = $result")
When you run the program, the output will be:
number1 + number2 = 16.0
number1 - number2 = 9.0
number1 * number2 = 43.75
number1 / number2 = 3.5714285714285716
number1 % number2 = 2.0
The + operator is also used for the concatenation of String values.

Example: Concatenation of Strings

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

    val start = "Talk back. "
    val middle = "Show me the code. "
    val end = "- kotlin is good"

    val result = start + middle + end
When you run the program, the output will be:
Talk is cheap. Show me the code. - Linus Torvalds

How arithmetic operators actually work?

Suppose, you are using + arithmetic operator to add two numbers a and b.
Under the hood, the expression a + b calls member function. The plus operator is overloaded to work with String values and other basic data types (except Char and Boolean).
// + operator for basic types
operator fun plus(other: Byte): Int
operator fun plus(other: Short): Int
operator fun plus(other: Int): Int
operator fun plus(other: Long): Long
operator fun plus(other: Float): Float
operator fun plus(other: Double): Double

// for string concatenation
operator fun String?.plus(other: Any?): String
You can also use + operator to work with user-defined types (like objects) by overloading plus() function.
Recommended Reading: Kotlin Operator Overloading
Here's a table of arithmetic operators and their corresponding functions:
ExpressionFunction nameTranslates to
a +
a - bminusa.minus(b)
a * btimesa.times(b)
a / bdiva.div(b)
a % bmoda.mod(b)

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